4500: /*
4501:  * Each buffer in the pool is usually doubly linked into 2 lists:
4502:  * the device with which it is currently associated (always)
4503:  * and also on a list of blocks available for allocation
4504:  * for other use (usually).
4505:  * The latter list is kept in last-used order, and the two
4506:  * lists are doubly linked to make it easy to remove
4507:  * a buffer from one list when it was found by
4508:  * looking through the other.
4509:  * A buffer is on the available list, and is liable
4510:  * to be reassigned to another disk block, if and only
4511:  * if it is not marked BUSY.  When a buffer is busy, the
4512:  * available-list pointers can be used for other purposes.
4513:  * Most drivers use the forward ptr as a link in their I/O
4514:  * active queue.
4515:  * A buffer header contains all the information required
4516:  * to perform I/O.
4517:  * Most of the routines which manipulate these things
4518:  * are in bio.c.
4519:  */
4520: struct buf
4521: {
4522:         int     b_flags;                /* see defines below */
4523:         struct  buf *b_forw;            /* headed by devtab of b_dev */
4524:         struct  buf *b_back;            /*  "  */
4525:         struct  buf *av_forw;           /* position on free list, */
4526:         struct  buf *av_back;           /*     if not BUSY*/
4527:         int     b_dev;                  /* major+minor device name */
4528:         int     b_wcount;               /* transfer count (usu. words) */
4529:         char    *b_addr;                /* low order core address */
4530:         char    *b_xmem;                /* high order core address */
4531:         char    *b_blkno;               /* block # on device */
4532:         char    b_error;                /* returned after I/O */
4533:         char    *b_resid;               /* words not transferred after error */
4535: } buf[NBUF];
4536: /* ---------------------------       */
4538: /*
4539:  * Each block device has a devtab, which contains private state stuff
4540:  * and 2 list heads: the b_forw/b_back list, which is doubly linked
4541:  * and has all the buffers currently associated with that major
4542:  * device; and the d_actf/d_actl list, which is private to the
4543:  * device but in fact is always used for the head and tail
4544:  * of the I/O queue for the device.
4545:  * Various routines in bio.c look at b_forw/b_back
4546:  * (notice they are the same as in the buf structure)
4547:  * but the rest is private to each device driver.
4548:  *
4549:  */
4551: struct devtab
4552: {
4553:         char    d_active;               /* busy flag */
4554:         char    d_errcnt;               /* error count (for recovery) */
4555:         struct  buf *b_forw;            /* first buffer for this dev */
4556:         struct  buf *b_back;            /* last buffer for this dev */
4557:         struct  buf *d_actf;            /* head of I/O queue */
4558:         struct  buf *d_actl;            /* tail of I/O queue */
4559: };
4560: /* ---------------------------       */
4562: /*
4563:  * This is the head of the queue of available
4564:  * buffers-- all unused except for the 2 list heads.
4565:  */
4566: struct  buf bfreelist;
4568: /*
4569:  * These flags are kept in b_flags.
4570:  */
4571: #define B_WRITE 0       /* non-read pseudo-flag */
4572: #define B_READ  01      /* read when I/O occurs */
4573: #define B_DONE  02      /* transaction finished */
4574: #define B_ERROR 04      /* transaction aborted */
4575: #define B_BUSY  010     /* not on av_forw/back list */
4576: #define B_PHYS  020     /* Physical IO potentially using UNIBUS map */
4578: #define B_MAP   040     /* This block has the UNIBUS map allocated */
4580: #define B_WANTED 0100   /* issue wakeup when BUSY goes off */
4582: #define B_RELOC 0200    /* no longer used */
4583: #define B_ASYNC 0400    /* don't wait for I/O completion */
4585: #define B_DELWRI 01000  /* don't write till block leaves available list */