Autumn 2013

to the Index of "iGallery"

〔Last Updated sep. 22, 2013〕

the spider lily (shot by rev. yoshiya fukushima)
09/22/2013 @somewhere in osaka

campus at night
09/24/2013 @doshisha university imadegawa campus, kyoto

bricks and windows
09/28/2013 @the scott hall, waseda, tokyo

the deers
10/01/2013 @nara park, nara

flowers in the wind (shot by rev. yoshiya fukushima)
10/11/2013 @somewhere in osaka

candle in the glass
11/16/2013 @garden museum hiei, kyoto

autumn leaves
11/24/2013 @okadera temple, nara

gingko tree and the temple
11/29/2013 @nishi-honganji, kyoto


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